From WTF to Please Tell Me More: Skillful Speech in a Polarized World


From WTF to Please Tell Me More: Skillful Speech in a Polarized World

 Special invitation to BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) and open to all.

With Mushim Patricia Ikeda, East Point Peace Academy's series of talks by guest speakers, "Where Do We Go from Here?" 

July 28, 2020 from 3:00 to 4:30 pm Pacific time on Zoom 

Hurling insults can feel great in the short-term, but long-term movement building across lines of difference requires mindfulness and skills. We don't have to agree with someone else's viewpoint in order to learn more about why they say and think and do what they do. "Can you please tell me more?" can even be seen as a strategic move to better understand the opposition -- and an even more strategic move to build bridges toward common goals. Let's talk about how we talk (and listen) to one another! Offered on a gift economics (donation) basis. To register, go to